Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson was born in 1990, Paris (France).

Emma Watson

Emma Watson

Her parents, Jacqueline Luesby and Chris Watson (English lawyers) got divorced when Emma was five. Consequently, her mum, her little brother and her went to Oxfordshire after her parents’ divorce. As a result, her French isn’t as good as it used to.

When she was six, she wished to become an actress. From that moment, in order to follow her dream, she started attending to different schools: Dragon SchoolStagecoach Theatre Arts, Headington School… (where she was tutored for five hours per day). Then she starred in all the Harry Potter films, with which was her first time acting professionally. Therefore, those series has earned her surprisingly several awards. She was a great student, so it’s not that surprising if I mention that she achieved eight A* and two A grades (in 10 subjects) when she took GCSE  school examinations.

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